Professor Marston and The Wonder Woman

In the world of movies, it is no doubt that Worldwide leading movie industry Hollywood continues to supply the world audience with a massive array of movies from various genres year in year out. While some of these movies generate large worldwide commendation which automatically means good business for the companies involved and smiling directors including cast and crew members, some of them struggle with even being known by people asides the makers. Anyways the fear of failure doesn't stop movie makers and companies from still releasing more and more films hoping they hit the jackpot with some of the movies like highest grossing movies Avatar and Titanic both by James Cameron have done. The movie business is definitely a gamble for those companies who sink tons of money in it.
The Upcoming 2017 movie, Professor Marston and the wonder women is a biographical drama centered around the life of an Harvard psychologist, Professor Williams Moulton Marston(Luke Evans), and his creation of the female Superhero character Wonder Woman and his wife Elizabeth (Rebecca Hall) and the student, Oliver Byrne (Bella Heathcote). It tells of the polyamorous relationship with the two women who are the inspiration for the comic, his wife Elizabeth Marston and their controversial lover Oliver Byrne who also delves into S&M and bondage, which were prevalent in the their private lives as well as in the original, scandalous for the time, comics. 
Marketing for the movie has been quite on the low considering it's significance to previous stories surrounding the Wonder Woman but with the recent success of the wonder woman movie directed by Patty Jenkins, cast and crew of the movie showing her maker and real origin story are hopeful that the movie would also grab world attention and be a box office success. Though the movie trailer and supposed storyline is already gathering mixed reviews from critics, let's expect the best for them.
The American biographical drama film is directed and written by Angela Robinson (Her film follows the release of the popular Patty Jenkins-directed superhero movie Wonder Woman in June, which has grossed over $765 million to date worldwide). The film stars Luke Evans (Beauty and the Beast, The Girl on the Train), Rebecca Hall (Christine, The Town, Vicky Cristina Barcelona), Bella Heathcote (The Man in the High Castle, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), Connie Britton (American Horror Story, Friday Night Lights, Nashville) and Oliver Platt. The film is scheduled to be screened at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival on October 27, 2017.
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